
Exterus Clean

Graffiti Removal
Graffiti 2

Graffiti Removal & Protection

The vast majority of graffiti is ugly, stupid and vaguely threatening. A tiny portion of it is witty or creative.  This unsightly graffiti can affect the look of properties or areas making them look dirty, abandoned or unsafe.

Whatever the motivations for the graffiti, it’s removal requires specialist cleaning so that surfaces are not damaged during removal.  The method for removal requires careful consideration of the substrate, it’s location, and the type of paint that has used. Differing substrates have differing characteristics, so consideration should be given to how the process involved will result in the removal of the graffiti without damage to the substrate.

At Exterus we have extensive experience in graffiti removal. One of the tools in our arsenal is the use of specialised equipment capable  of generating super heated water to 150 deg C for the removal of graffiti from stonework and masonry. This super heated water vapour is a priority when there is a need for a gentle cleaning activity on the surface. These high temperatures, mean the volume of water is low and results in a non-agrressive cleaning of surfaces.

During our time in the cleaning industry, we have sourced and used a wide range of chemical products for use in graffiti removal. We constantly source the best products in terms of their effectiveness. The range of chemicals we stock and use on our jobs, allow us to use the most appropriate chemical for each particular job.

We also provide a paint matching service for painted surfaces so that after graffiti removal, the original paint can be scanned and matched so that no trace of the graffiti was ever evident.

In addition, for buildings or surfaces that suffer from repeat graffiti offending, are of historic importance or are high value items, we can provide  anti-graffiti coatings that protect surfaces from repeated instances of graffiti and provide long term cost benefits.

We provide risk assessments, method statements and COSHH sheets for all our graffiti removal activities.